Monographs/Edited Volumes/Special Issues
- Lange, Christian. Willem de Famars Testas (1834-1896) and the Colours of Islam. Haarlem: Verschoor Boekmakers, 2025. (Open Access, see here: Lange_Testas)
- Lange, Christian, and Adam Bursi (eds.). Islamic Sensory History, Vol. 2: 600-1500. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2024. (Open Access, link)
- Ghajarjazi, Arash. Irrationalities in Islam and Media in 19th-Century Iran. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2022. (link)
- Lange, Christian (ed.), Islamic Sensory History. Special Issue, The Senses & Society 17.1 (2022). (Open Access, link)
- Lange, Christian. “Rumi over het transformeren van de zintuigen.” [“Rumi on Transforming the Senses.”] ZemZem: Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam 2/2023: 18-25. (link)
- Lange, Christian. “Introduction: The Sensory History of the Islamic World.” The Senses and Society 17.1 (2022): 1-7. (Open Access, link)
- Bursi, Adam. “You Were Not Commanded to Stroke It, But to Pray Nearby It: Debating Touch within Early Islamic Pilgrimage.” The Senses and Society 17.1 (2022): 8-21. (Open Access, link)
- Lange, Christian, “Al-Jāḥiẓ on the Senses: Sensory Moderation and Muslim Synesthesia.” The Senses and Society, 17.1 (2022): 22-36. (Open Access, link)
- Abuali, Eyad. “I Tasted Sweetness, and I Tasted Affliction: Pleasure, Pain, and Body in Medieval Sufi Food Practices.” The Senses and Society 17.1 (2022): 52-67. (Open Access, link)
- Leese, Simon. “Connoisseurs of the Senses: Tobacco Smoking, Poetic Pleasures, and Homoerotic Masculinity in Ottoman Damascus.” The Senses and Society 17.1 (2022): 90-108. (Open Access, link)
- Ghajarjazi, Arash. “The Senses of Cholera: Transformations of Gustation and Olfaction in 19th-century Iran.” The Senses and Society 17.1 (2022): 109-126. (Open Access, link)
- Abuali, Eyad. “Visualizing the Soul: Diagrams and the Subtle Body of Light (jism laṭīf) in Shams al-Dīn al-Daylamī’s The Mirror of Souls (Mirʿāt al-arwāḥ).” Critical Research on Religion (2021), pp. 157-174. (Open Access, link)
- Lange, Christian, with J. van der Zwaan et al. “Text Mining Islamic Law.” Islamic Law and Society 28.3 (2021): 234-81. (Open Access, link)
- Lange, Christian, “‘What no eye has seen and no ear has heard’: Towards a sensory history of early Islam”, Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 51 (2021), pp. 245-292. (Open Access, link)
- Lange, Christian. “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Light and Luminous Being in Islamic Theology.” Critical Research on Religion 9 (2021): 1-15. (Open Access, link)
- Abuali, Eyad. “Dreams and Visions as Diagnosis in Medieval Sufism: The Emergence of Kubrawī Oneirology.” Journal of Sufi Studies 8.1 (2020): 1-29. (Open Access, link)
- Abuali, Eyad. “Words Clothed in Light: Dhikr (Recollection), Colour and Synaesthesia in Early Kubrawi Sufism.” Iran (2019): 1-14. (Open Access, link)
- Bursi, Adam. “A Holy Heretical Body: Ṭalḥa b. ʿUbayd Allāh’s Corpse and Early Islamic Sectarianism.” Studies in Late Antiquity 2.2 (2018): 147-179. (link)
- Bursi, Adam. “Connecting the Dots: Diacritics, Scribal Culture, and the Qurʾān in the First/Seventh Century.” Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association 3 (2018): 111-157. (link)
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- Lange, Christian. “Qurʾānic anosmia”, in: Bruce Fudge, Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, Christian Lange and Sarah Savant (eds.), Non sola scriptura: Essays in honour of William Graham (London: Routledge, 2022), 23-43. (Open Access, link)
- Abuali, Eyad. “Clothing and Investiture in Medieval Sufism.” In Lloyd Ridgeon (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Sufism. New York: Routledge, 2021, 316-329. (link)
- Lange, Christian. “Torture and Public Executions in the Islamic Middle Period (Eleventh–Fifteenth Centuries).” In M. Gordon, R. Kaeuper, & H. Zurndorfer (eds.), The Cambridge World History of Violence (The Cambridge World History of Violence). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020, 164-184. (Preprint, link)
- Lange, Christian. “Het islamitische recht digitaal bekeken.” In Joas Wagemakers & Lucien van Liere (eds.). Wie is er bang voor religie? Waarom kennis van religie belangrijk is. Almere: Uitgeverij Parthenon, 2019, 188-194. (Preprint, link)
- Lange, Christian. “Beards of Paradise.” In Youri Volokhine, Bruce Fudge and Thomas Herzog (eds.), Barbe et barbus – Symboliques, rites et pratiques du port de la barbe dans le Proche-Orient ancien et moderne. Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag, 2019, 119-129. (Preprint, link)
Books Reviews
- Ghajarjazi, Arash. “The Iranian Metaphysicals: Explorations in Science, Islam, and the Uncanny.” Journal of Iranian Studies (2019): 1-6. (Open Access, book review)
Blog Posts
- Ghajarjazi, Arash. “The Facial Crisis of Shiite Iran.” Religious Matters: In an Entangled World. 07/04/2020. (blog post)
- Bursi, Adam. “Smelling Sacred Spaces: Pilgrimage Practices and Olfactory Experiences in Early Islam.” Utrecht Religie Forum. 11/4/2019. (blog post)
- Ghajarjazi, Arash. “The Mutilated Packed-up Body of Modern Anatomy in 19th-century Iran.” Utrecht Religie Forum. 01/4/2019. (blog post)
- Abuali, Eyad. “Medieval Sufi Psychological Theory and its Socio-Political Relevance.” Utrecht Religie Forum. 20/09/2018. (blog post)